Wednesday, April 29, 2009
2009 Biola Media Conference Wrap-Up
First there is the "official" site, which as a handful of quick interviews with some of the speakers and attendees. Brian Bird has an interesting story of networking that throws some cold water on the "independant" ideas of many independant filmmakers. Also, a good thing to remember is that Bird himself got started as a writer on "Fantasy Island" and didn't move into "Christian" filmmaking until 23 years into his career(& No, I don't count "Touched by an Angel" as Christian).
For a more "ground-level" look, check out this page of Twitter posts about the conference. Some are silly, some interesting. One thing of note is that a key speaker at the conference, Ralph Winter, hasn't stopped making X-Men movies to make Christian movies. He wears both hats, one that pays the bills, one that makes Christian films. Winter still seems less a hands-on producer than a businessman to me, especially given the wildly varying quality of the film's he's associated with in the "producer" role. I mean, he produced X2 & X-Men: The Last Stand, and those film's couldn't be more different in quality, so Winter's involvementis probably much more on the business end and less on the creative. That's why I take his comments about the creative aspects Christian filmmaking with a grain of salt: he's a businessman after all.
The most interesting thing was all the people talking about Joe Eszterhas and his conversion, which, given that he published a memoir about it last year is kind of old news. I was hoping to hear more about Eszterhas returning to film writing, but nothing I've seen. He does have a movie coming out soon, but I have no idea how or if it was effected by his conversion.
Email us at supercandid at gmail dot com
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8:04 AM
Labels: biola, christian movies, eszterhas, movies, ralph winter
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
I'm not afraid of controversy! Not when I'm right! (I think...)
Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed won under the category of "To the Funding Organization that supports the most useless study related to the occult, supernatural, or paranormal during the year."
As much as it tickles me to mention this 'award,' I have to say that I would define very little of Expelled's content as relating to the occult, supernatural or paranormal, and the elaborations on the Pigasus website offer little defense of their reasoning. To be fair, several of their other 'awardees' have only the slightest connection to these subjects. It seems this award is really just looking to lambast bad science, which is all well and good, but maybe not so fun.
The producers share the 'honor' with such luminaries as late night cable TV, some guy who claims he can shoot beams from his eyes, Jenny McCarthy (for her anti-vaccine hysteria), and Kevin Trudeau. I happen to have actually read Trudeau's book about "cures THEY don't want you to know about." A friend bought it and gave it to me, asking me for my opinion. I found it startling that the book provided not a single actual 'cure,' instead spending the vast majority of its time bad-mouthing such villains as Doctors, Gyms, and antibiotics. It was also one of the most eregrious examples of logical fallacies I've ever seen. Until Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed came along! ZING!
Congratluations to the producers of Expelled! Your movie is great proof that any publicity is good publicity!
Email us at supercandid at gmail dot com
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9:05 AM
Monday, April 13, 2009
Dangerous Calling Updated Trailer
I just got a message that the trailer we posted yesterday for Dangerous Calling was an older trailer, so here is the latest and greatest:
Email us at supercandid at gmail dot com
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9:10 AM
Labels: dangerous calling, trailer
Sunday, April 12, 2009
"Dangerous Calling" & more on the "Bike King"
EDIT: VIEW A NEWER TRAILER FOR DANGEROUS CALLING HERE Josh Daws, a friend of ours on Twitter, recently posted that there is more footage of The Bike King and The Ten Commandments. This is either a really elaborate hoax, or this is a real movie. Rest assured, that we will not rest until we know the truth. I don't know which scares me more.... This also seems like a good time to mention Josh's own film, Dangerous Calling. It seems to be a legitimate 'Christian Horror Movie,' about mysterious deaths in a small town church. Looks like it could be good, scary fun without getting into awful Thr3e-esque territory. There are lots of clips available on the Daws Brothers' youtube channel, and the film is available now on DVD. I'll even put it above the new Bike King & The Ten Commandments trailer, just to put quality first. The Bike king and The Ten Commandments by Luis Posada Email us at supercandid at gmail dot com
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4:37 PM
Labels: bike king, dangerous calling, twitter
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
SuperCandid Contest: Tells us what movie we treated unfairly
For our 50th episode we are revisiting our review to Facing the Giants, the first film we ever reviewed and one that, in hindsight, seems much better than we gave it credit for at the time. Our 52nd Episode will be another re-visiting another movie. Which other movie is for you to decide, and you could win a copy of Facing the Giants on DVD!
The contest is simple. Email us at supercandid at gmail dot com, or click the email link below, and let us know what movie you think we should look at again. Maybe you thought we were too hard on Hangman's Curse. Or gave The Nativity Story a bad rap. Perhaps you really like The List. This is your chance to tell us. We'll re-review the movie that gets the most votes, and on Episode 52 we'll draw a winner from among all suggestions! This is your chance to win!
Entries must be recieved by the premiere of our 51st Episode to be eligable.
Email us at supercandid at gmail dot com
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7:00 AM
Labels: contest, facing the giants, hangman's curse, nativitystory, the list
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Most awesome(-ly bad) Christian film trailers
Here's a question for the ages: Which of these two films has the most awesome trailer? One problem. I'm pretty sure that The Bike King and the Ten Commandments is fake, mainly because it runs through the entire movie's plot in the trailer. Which might make it actually a more awesome trailer, if it is real, which it's not. The other, C Me Dance, is all too real and all too awesome. Don said it looked like Buffy the Vampire Slayer with ballet instead of vampire slaying. You have to watch the trailer, which looks like the movie takes a wild turn at some point. I can only hope that the film ends with a Step Up 2: The Streets style dance-off against the devil. Either way, it provides me with a good excuse to showcase two more dancing clips: Email us at supercandid at gmail dot com
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7:00 PM
Labels: bike king, c me dance, comedy, funny, trailers