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We review The Widow's Might , a film we've been following since way back in May of last year. Its gotten a lot of press recently because of its winning of the "major prize" at the San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival. Now you can tune in and find out if it lives up to the hype!
A great deal of behind the scenes photos are available on the PicasaWeb page for the film .
You can also find a bunch of behind the scenes footage on director John Moore's Vimeo page.
John Moore's blog.
You can buy the film & soundtrack direct from the producers at their website. You can even get it on Blu-Ray!
You can also download it from, which is what we did to get the movie as soon as possible. The HD version sure is pretty, and I was actually wrong when I said on the show that it costs extra to get the SD & HD together, it is $12.95 for for HD or $12.95 for HD & SD. Not a bad price. The soundtrack is also available from behemoth, and all of this is DRM free.
1 day ago
THanks guys, though I must say you guys both need to do some research on property taxes. ;-) Two widows, one with clear title to her land, bought and paid for, have lost their home due to tax foreclosure. New highways coming by or commercial buildings increase the property assessment substantially. The very idea that you should have to pay a continuing fee for property is outrageous.
Also, it should be noted that while all states have outlandish property taxes, Texas ranks in the worst of them, without question. :-) Maybe the story is a little too personal, but that was an itch we had to scratch.
Again, thanks for the plug, and I think you'll like our next films a lot more; though sadly it isn't Pirates of Penzance or 'The Unforgiven Christian' (somebody should register that title), it is sure to be an acting quality leap from this film, the way the production values were a leap from our last film.
~ In Christ, John.
Looks like this film is going to be in theaters for a week in April according to this tip on this thread by Kyle Prohaska:
You might also check out Kyle's new Christian film venture -- he has a new site called Christian film trailers which is where he posted the trailer to Widow's Might (which is newsworthy as well).
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