FREE MUSIX!!! Yeah, you don't see that often on the internets right? This time it's special though. The free music in question is coming from a decent Christian band and it's unreleased stuff! House of Heroes is releasing their new record via iTunes this summer (finally, a Christian band with a clue), but they're giving away three of the fifteen tracks for free... Now.
Go. Download. Nowz. Save This Page
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Hey, I'm Back.
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4:39 PM
Episode Twenty Eight - The Oath of Desormeau
Check out the official website of The Oath of the Desormeau. Lots of good info there.
Like a song on the show? Don't like a song on the show? Just need something new to listen to at work? Check out the SuperCandid Muxtape. Intro and Outro songs compiled from our past six episodes (or rather, building up to our last six) available in streaming form. As far as iTunes seems to allow anyway.
Posted by
9:00 AM
Labels: christian cinema, episode, independent cinema, independent film, podcast
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Marketing to Faith-Based Audiences
Friday, May 16, 2008
Episode Twenty Eight Delayed
We recorded our 28th episode 2 days ago, but we had some technical problems in the recording.
Posted by
2:05 PM
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Watch Christian Movies Online (sort-of)
So Radiant God has a post about a website where you can watch Christian movies for free.
Entitled Higher Praise, the site also hosts sermons, sermon illustrations(literally thousands of those little Paul Harvey-esque stories that ministers sometimes favor) and worship music, in addition to films.
Naturally, I was excited, although I questioned the legality of such a site. Normally, Christian movie producers are even worse then Hollywood in keeping the profits of their movies close to the vest, so I was skeptical of anyone saying they could put up Christian movies for free.
So I wandered around the site for a few minutes, and this is what I discovered.
First, there is no way any of this site is legal, as much as I think it should be. They have a lengthy and confusing "Terms of Use" page that defines their operation as similar to a library, and their belief that they are covered under fair use. All well and good, and I support this concept, but so far none of the copyright holders or courts have supported this interpretation of the law.
Second, the site is about as ugly as possible. Horrific colors, HTML to make your eyes bleed, and gawdy advertisements everywhere. It looks like the kind of site that you might find if you are searching around for the most illicit, immoral and illegal kinds of things that you might want to find on the internet.
Finally, the movies that it promises are not what they seem. It promises the entire "Prophecy" series of A Thief in the Night, A Distant Thunder and Image of the Beast. Instead, all three movies link to a different movie, Years of the Beast. The 10 minutes I watched make it look as awesomely bad as the other films, but it does make the site seem pretty fishy if they are pulling a bait and switch with movies like this.
I'm really interested in copyright law and media sharing in this digital age, but this site is a perfect example of everything that Hollywood and other movie producers are afraid of. It diminishes anything that is hosted there, and claims it all under "fair use."
Save This Page
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11:33 AM
Labels: business, christian movies, internet
Monday, May 12, 2008
The Widow's Might
Just saw some new info on a film that is the very early stages of pre-production: The Widow's Might.
Posted by
10:04 AM
Labels: bible, christian movies, independent cinema, independent film, news, widow's might
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Albuquerque Connection to Expelled!
I knew that I recognized the name!

Posted by
8:50 AM
Labels: documentary, news
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Spirit West Coast Video Contest
I don't know anything about Spirit West Coast. Nothing.
Posted by
9:00 AM
Labels: christian filmmakers, contest, music
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Christian Message in Iron Man
I don't usually like to talk about non-Christian movies here, but I found this one article that I thought was too interesting too pass up.
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4:00 PM
Labels: church
Monday, May 5, 2008
Filmmaker Gerald Bickel
The Great Falls tribune has a story about filmmaker Gerald Bickel's latest movie, a Christian movie about an angel who comes to earth and falls in love. Sounds like a Montana based remake of Michael, but the proceeds of the film will go to benefit an 11-year old who needs heart surgery.
Posted by
9:00 AM
Labels: christian filmmakers, independent cinema, independent film
Friday, May 2, 2008
Episode Twenty Seven - Expelled
Ben Stein goes all Michael Moore(except he's on the host and didn't direct it the way Moore does), and we make a rare trip to the theatres to see Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed. Sorry the podcast is so late, but we've had a hectic couple of week.s I even had a really great photo to put up with this post, but now I'll have to save it because I don't have the energy to get my digital camera and upload it at the moment.
Posted by
10:17 PM
Labels: christian filmmakers, documentary, podcast, review supercandid podcast
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Erwin Brothers Motion Pictures
The Erwin Brothers, filmmakers behind such films as The Cross and The Towers, have a nice little profile about them from the Birmingham News.
Posted by
10:51 AM
Labels: christian cinema, christian filmmakers, christian movies, independent cinema, independent film