Wednesday, March 5, 2008


I'm not really sure if this qualifies as a Christian movie, but the screenwriter taught a filmmaking class at a Christian school, so that has to count for something, right?

Screenwriter and director Joe O'Brien is heading up an independent production near Lakeland, Florida.  The film, entitled Endure, is about a detective who is trying to find an unknown woman.  All he knows is that a picture of her tied to a tree was found in a car wreck.  He must race against time to solve the mystery.  

I love a good Florida noir, since the swamps and heat mix well with the seamy underbelly of society that a good noir explores.  The article details some of the fundraising tactics that the production has used, and is a good primer for independent productions on some steps to take to make a bigger film.  You can also read the official blog of the movie, which has a detailed(ie. Spoiler-filled) plot summary and some other news.  It sounds like they're a ways from filming yet, but good luck to them and I hope the film turns out great!

(Endure Movie Blog)

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