Saturday, September 22, 2007

Another week of unremarkable news.

Sloooow News Week. Sorry for the recent lack of posts, but there really hasn't been too much to write about in Christian cinema. There's a new poster for Prince Caspian, which I find unbearably boring. The poster that is. I'm not sure what to think about the film. This was a Narnia book that I didn't care for when I read it as a kid, so I don't have any special interest in the movie, other than to see how it turns out. I'm hoping to be surprised.

The only thing that's really worth posting about this week is that Christianity Today finally put online their recent articles on the St. John's Bible. These are the ones I read in the print version that got me all excited about it when I first posted. I also found out that the Art of St. John's Bible book is only $15, so that's fast approaching my Christmas list.

You can read the full article here, and view a slideshow of images from the Bible.

If you'd like more info you can also check out the first post we did on the subject, from September 5.

(Prince Caspain Poster, from Cinnematical)

(Christianity Today story)


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