Monday, September 15, 2008

I don't really care if they label me a 'Jesus Geek'. *cough*

Jon and I are always cracking jokes that we're the greatest Christian movie podcast on the internet, and we're not lying because we're the only one that reviews only Christian movies. We have our niche and it's super-small and comfy. However, there are other good Christian podcasts out there. We've sampled several, but very few seem to 'stick' in our podcast rotation... but I have good news, there's one worth checking out. The Jesus Geeks are a couple of guys from the Pacific Northwest with a love of Christ, Internet memes, films, Sarah Conner, fancy book learning and most importantly, podcasting. Their shows alternate between serious theological or Christian-lifestyle discussions, and ramblings about current news stories, sci-fi, comic books and awful awesome YouTube videos of lost Christian rock bands*(see below). Anyway, give them a listen tell them SuperCandid sent you. They won't know what you're talking about. Maybe tell them John Stamos sent you. That's kind of impressive, right? If John Stamos listened to my show, it would make my day. Maybe Jon would let up on his Clive Owen man-crush if Stamos were all ears... *(Welcome to below) Subscribe to the SuperCandid Podcast, the number 1 podcast for Christian movies SuperCandid - The SuperCandid Podcast - The SuperCandid Podcast Subscribe to the SuperCandid Blog SuperCandid Mux-Tape, with music featured on the podcast Save This Page Add to Technorati Favorites

1 comment:

Brad McFadden said...

All that talk about Jesus Geek and you didnt even mention THE jesus geek at
He IS the original you know. hehehehe
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