Oh, a quick post before I go off to study for an exam! Don & I saw Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed this afternoon. Yes, we've broken our no documentaries moratorum for the 4th or 5th time. Anyway, the review'll be recorded on Friday, so look for it this weekend.
My positions have completely reversed! The use of John Lennon's Imagine, which I thought sounded problematic, looks like fair use to me. Only a couple of lines are played, and they are played to illustrate the fact that one of the speakers is basically saying the same thing. I think that it falls well within the fair use guidelines.
However, the cell visualization, regardless of weather it technically violates any copyrights or not, is just a rip-off of The Inner Life of a Cell. The music, the visual choices, the cutting; straight lifts. They might not have technically done anything wrong, if they show that they simply used similar research material as a basis, but it is really bad taste. There is no way to say that they were not, at the least, copying it in spirit. A gentleman would not stoop so low.
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