Thursday, January 15, 2009

Don't download The Widow's Might from Behemoth yet! Or maybe you should...

We've just received word that you should hold off on downloading The Widow's Might from!  Remember it, and several other finalists in the San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival are available for download from the site for a modest price.  However, we've received word from John Moore, the newly rich writer /director / actor of The Widow's Might, that the version of the movie which is available at Behemoth is an old version that does not reflect the finished product.  

While this might be a fascinating look at the filmmaking process, he has said that we should hold off on reviewing it until we get the finished movie. Moore says that hopefully Behemoth should have the finished version up in a week or so.  I say that film students and wanna-be filmmakers should probably snap it up now, so that they can compare it to the finished version.  Behemoth allows you to re-download movies you've purchased at no extra charge, so you should be able to get them both once the final version is available.  

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